Roller Derby My New Life

Good bye 2020

To God be the glory for me and my family and getting through this year without catching the COVID-19 so far. I am so blessed to have my family and friends this season. I miss my mom and dad so much, especially this year. I can’t go and visit their graves and it has been a very hard holiday season. It isn’t over, since Christmas will be different than all other years. I plan to take a whole lot of pictures so my husband can see them when he is ready. I need for him to get the vaccine and be able to visit his grand kids and kids and any other family he wants to see. He has been locked away since March. I have gone to some gatherings being very careful and working hard to stay well for him. It devastates me to see him so isolated and sad. I hate what this year has brought to all of us. We are determined to survive this and turn the next years into the best ever! I will do everything in my power to get him well and a new kidney. God has a plan for him and he will be able to fulfill it!

This has been a season of self evaluation, self reflection, and self improvement. I have found many things that I need to work on and am actively seeking to improve who I am. Many things have put me on a downward spiral that I have been struggling to overcome. It is Christmas time and I miss having a tree and all the people in my house. Now we go to my daughters for Christmas morning. I love doing that for the grand children but I miss our times here in my house. Today I have 2 poinsettia’s for my decorations. They are beautiful, and I love plants. One of my presents from my awesome husband is a baby bonsai tree. I am so excited to spend time with it and learn about it. I have always loved doing gardening as therapy and I am going to start back up. I need to be a part of nature again. I need to renew my spirit. Life has driven me to the edge of grumpy isolation. It is time to take back and move forward again. But I miss all the decorating I used to do. I miss going out and looking at all the lights with the children and the oooing and awwwing. I want to play again, be young happy and full of energy.

Some of this I can get back but some pretty significant events need to happen in 2021 to get back where I want to be. But mostly I need to work on me! Starting with getting my treadmill up and running and doing some workouts again! I will feel and function better once I start working out again. I hope I will be able to skate soon too, even if it isn’t right away!

Be sure to take care of yourselves and each other! Until next time, have a blessed holiday season!

Lots of love,

Kool aka Gina

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